Tuesday, 26 June 2018

New Birth - House Gecko from Changi Aviation Park

About 20 days ago, I was at my customer's premises at their work site office. A CCTV camera was down and we went over to see what the problem was. In the process, we did some clean up and as usual, the presence of house geckos (also known as house lizards) were plenty. Their droppings were present. And, they laid their eggs along the crevices of the false ceilings.

We cleared all of them, except for one that I brought home to monitor. Unfortunately, there were two days leading to today, that I did not monitor the egg. A baby gecko was born between this morning and two days ago.

Here are some photos I took. Do enjoy these sights of the baby house lizard!

House lizards are not cute, as far as my wife is concerned. But, this baby house lizard seems innocent and cute. Even then, it is a no-no to my wife. She won't want to touch it.

Here is the little one looking outside of the incubator, alongside its egg.

The egg is 8 mm by 9 mm in diameter. Its shell is hard and for a week after I got it back, I was wondering if the egg has even been fertilized at all! Fortunately, it turns out good.

Here is another angle of view between the baby house lizard and where it emerges from.

Here is a frontal shot. I looked at the underside of this house lizard and from what I get, it is a male gecko. So, it is a boy!

It is understood that house geckos are non-venomous and harmless to humans. The big ones are expected to bite if you handle them in a panicky manner - just like how they would chump on crickets and then proceed to swallow them whole. 

It was cleaning its face with its tongue, thus accounting for this open-mouth shot. Anyway, just look at the teeth of this baby.

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